
Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Miley Cyrus Trolls Her Dad With A Throwback To Her Infamous 2013 VMA Performance

*Miley Cyrus 👩🏼 Trolls 👀 Her Dad With A Throwback 📷 To Her Infamous 2013 VMA Performance‼️*

Maybe you remember Miley Cyrus's 👩🏼 infamous VMA performance in 2013. The one where she twerked 😮 on Robin Thicke and showed us some really...creative moves‼️ It was Miley's way of telling the world 🌍 she was ~all grown up~ now — and the message ✉️ was received loud and clear!

So last night, just hours before her performance 🎤 for the VMAs, she marked the occasion by posting 📷 a throwback of her scandalous VMA performance...with her father's face photoshopped on top of it, with the message "Sorry dad... ill be good tonight i promise... ‼️ It looks like dad hasn't commented 👀 on the photo yet!


  1. Funny her
    Her dad must've been so...

  2. So cool of Cyrus
    She was of course cool that night
